
CI5行动/军情五处DVD 国语全集(57集)独家完整版  12碟 河南TV国语 修复版  DVD

CI5行动/军情五处DVD 国语全集(57集)独家完整版(The Professionals)海报


市 场 价:150 元 浏览人数:25702
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外文名称: The Professionals

导  演:Many
主  演:CI5 Agent William Bodie · Lewis Collins、CI5 Controller George Cowley · Gordon Jackson、CI5 Agent Raymond Doyle · Martin Shaw

介  质:DVD
库  存:有货
最近更新:2020/8/17 17:26:02






 1*01 Private madness public danger ADX毒案
1*02 The female factor 神秘女人
1*03 Old dog with new tricks 将计就计
1*04 Killer with a long arm 神秘枪手
1*05 Heroes 罪恶见证
1*06 Where the jungle ends 丛林追杀
1*07 Close quarters 短兵相接
1*08 Everest was also conquered 忏悔
1*09 When the heat cools off 疑案之迷
1*10 Stake out 监视
1*11 Long shot 职业刺客
1*12 Look after annie 特别保护
1*13 Klansmen 三K党徒
2*01 Hunter hunted 猎手被猎
2*02 The rack 风波
2*03 First night 绑架
2*04 Man without a past 来历不明的人
2*05 In the public interest 地方警察
2*06 Rogue 内奸
2*07 Not a very civil servant 贿赂丑案
2*08 A stirring of dust 尘土飞扬
2*09 Blind run 伪装周旋
2*10 Fall girl 被欺骗的姑娘
3*01 The purging of CI5 CI5厄运
3*02 Backtrack 追踪
3*03 Stopover 铁狮身人面
3*04 Dead reckoning 真假间谍
3*05 The madness of mickey hamilton 疯汉
3*06 A hiding to no thing 空中小姐
3*07 Runner 内讧
3*08 Servant of two masters 一仆二主
4*01 The acorn syndrome 人质
4*02 Wild justice 私下了结
4*03 Fugitive 逃亡者
4*04 Involvement 卷入旋涡
4*05 Need to know 需要明白
4*06 Take away 贩毒者
4*07 Blackout 丧失记忆
4*08 Blood sports 血溅球场
4*09 Slush fund 弗思计划
4*10 The gun 手枪
4*11 Hijack 抢劫银车
4*12 Mixed doubles 针锋相对
4*13 Weekend in the country 乡村周末
4*14 Kickback 五十万英磅
4*15 It`s only a beautiful picture… 巧捉窃贼
5*01 Foxhole on the roof 屋顶掩体
5*02 Operation susie AQ禁令
5*03 You`ll be all right 处女街
5*04 Lawson`s last stand 劳森行动 
5*05 Discovered in a graveyard 墓地幻影
5*06 Spy probe 间谍追杀
5*07 Cry wolf 嚎叫的狼
5*08 The untouchables 不可触犯
5*09 The ojuka situation 奥朱卡上校
5*10 A man called quinn 精神病凶犯
5*11 No stone 无坚不摧


 1*01 Old dog with new tricks 将计就计
1*02 Long shot 职业刺客
1*03 Where the jungle ends 丛林追杀
1*04 Killer with a long arm 神秘枪手
1*05 Heroes 罪恶见证
1*06 Private madness public danger ADX毒案
1*07 The female factor 神秘女人
1*08 Everest was also conquered 忏悔
1*09 Close quarters 短兵相接
1*10 Look after annie 特别保护
1*11 When the heat cools off 疑案之迷
1*12 Stake out 监视
1*13 Klansmen 三K党徒
2*01 Rogue 内奸
2*02 Hunter hunted 猎手被猎
2*03 First night 绑架
2*04 The rack 风波
2*05 Man without a past 来历不明的人
2*06 In the public interest 地方警察
2*07 Not a very civil servant 贿赂丑案
2*08 A stirring of dust 尘土飞扬
2*09 Blind run 伪装周旋
2*10 Fall girl 被欺骗的姑娘
2*11 Backtrack 追踪
2*12 The madness of mickey hamilton 疯汉
2*13 Servant of two masters 一仆二主
3*01 Stopover 铁狮身人面
3*02 Runner 内讧
3*03 A hiding to no thing 空中小姐
3*04 Dead reckoning 真假间谍
3*05 Mixed doubles 针锋相对
3*06 Need to know 需要明白
3*07 The purging of CI5 CI5厄运
3*08 Fugitive 逃亡者
3*09 The acorn syndrome 人质
3*10 Slush fund 弗思计划
3*11 Weekend in the country 乡村周末
3*12 Take away 贩毒者
3*13 Involvement 卷入旋涡
4*01 The gun 手枪
4*02 Wild justice 私下了结
4*03 Blackout 丧失记忆
4*04 It`s only a beautiful picture… 巧捉窃贼
4*05 Blood sports 血溅球场
4*06 Hijack 抢劫银车
4*07 You`ll be all right 处女街
4*08 Kickback 五十万英磅
4*09 Discovered in a graveyard 墓地幻影
4*10 Foxhole on the roof 屋顶掩体
4*11 The ojuka situation 奥朱卡上校
4*12 Operation susie AQ禁令
4*13 The untouchables 不可触犯
5*01 Cry wolf 嚎叫的狼
5*02 A man called quinn 精神病凶犯
5*03 Lawson`s last stand 劳森行动 
5*04 No stone 无坚不摧
5*05 Spy probe 间谍追杀 


Old Dog with New Tricks 13/06/77 to 01/08/77 
Long Shot 04/07/77 to 15/07/77 
Where the Jungle Ends 18/07/77 to 29/07/77 
Killer with a Long Arm 02/08/77 to 15/08/77 
Heroes 16/08/77 to ??/09/77 
Private Madness, Public Danger 30/08/77 to 12/09/77 
Female Factor 13/09/77 to 19/09/77 
Everest was Also Conquered 27/09/77 to 10/10/77 
Close Quarters 11/10/77 to 24/10/77 
Look After Annie 25/10/77 to 07/11/77 
When the Heat Cools Off 08/11/77 to 21/11/77 
Stakeout 22/11/77 to 5/10/77? 
Klansmen 06/12/77 to 19/12/77 

Hunter Hunted 19/06/78 to 30/06/78 
First Night 03/07/78 to 14/07/78 
Rogue 05/07/78 to 16/07/78 
The Rack 17/07/78 to 28/07/78 
Man Without a Past 31/07/78 to 11/08/78 
In the Public Interest 14/08/78 to 25/08/78 
Not a Very Civil Civil Servant 28/08/78 to 08/09/78 
A Stirring of Dust 11/09/78 to 22/09/78 
Blind Run 25/09/78 to 06/10/78 
Fall Girl 09/10/78 to 20/10/78 
Backtrack 30/10/78/ to 03/11/78 & 09/04/79 to 13/04/79 

The Madness of Mickey Hamilton 12/03/79 to 23/03/79 
Servant of Two Masters 26/03/79 to 06/04/79 
Stopover 23/04/79 to 04/05/79 
Runner 07/05/79 to 18/05/79 
A Hiding to Nothing' 21/05/79 to 01/06/79 
Dead Reckoning 04/06/79 to 15/06/79 
Mixed Doubles 25/06/79 to 06/07/79 
Need to Know 09/07/79 to 20/07/79 
The Purging of CI5 13/08/79 to 24/08/79 
Fugitive 27/08/79 to 07/09/79 
The Acorn Syndrome 10/09/79 to 21/09/79 
Slush Fund 24/09/79 to 05/10/79 
Weekend in the Country 08/10/79 to 19/10/79 
Takeaway 22/10/79 to 02/11/79 
Involvement 05/11/79 to 16/11/79 

The Gun 16/06/80 to 27/06/80 
Wild Justice 30/06/80 to 11/07/80 
Blackout 14/07/80 to 25/07/80 
It's Only a Beautiful Picture 28/07/80 to 08/08/80 
Blood Sports 11/08/80 to 22/08/80 
Hijack 25/08/80 to 05/09/80 
Kickback 22/09/80 to 03/10/80 
Discovered in a Graveyard 06/10/80 to 17/10/80 
Foxhole on the Roof 20/10/80 to 31/10/80 
The Ojuka Situation 03/11/80 to 14/11/80 
You'll be Alright 08/11/80 to 19/11/80 
Operation Susie 17/11/80 to 28/11/80 
The Untouchables 01/12/80 to 12/12/80 

Cry Wolf 16/03/81 to 27/03/81 
A Man Called Quinn 30/03/81 to 10/04/81 
Lawson's Last Stand 13/04/81 to 24/04/81 
No Stone 27/04/81 to 08/05/81 
Spy Probe 11/05/81 to 22/05/81 (Final episode filmed)


1 1×01 Old dog with new tricks  将计就计
2 1×02 Long shot   职业刺客
3 1×03 Where the jungle ends  丛林追杀
4 1×04 Killer with a long arm  神秘杀手
5 1×05 Heroes  罪恶见证
6 1×06 Private madness public danger  ADX毒案
7 1×07 The female factor
8 1×08 Everest was also conquered  忏悔
9 1×09 Close quarters  短兵相接
10 1×10 Look after annie  特别保护
11 1×11 When the heat cools off  疑案之谜
12 1×12 Stake out  监视
13 1×13 Klansmen  三K党徒
14 1×14 Rogue  内奸

15 2×01 Hunter hunted  猎手被猎
16 2×02 First night  绑架
17 2×03 The rack  风波
18 2×04 Man without a past   来历不明的人
19 2×05 In the public interest  地方警察
20 2×06 Not a very civil servant  贿赂丑案
21 2×07 A stirring of dust  尘土飞扬
22 2×08 Blind run  伪装周旋 
23 2×09 Fall girl  被欺骗的姑娘
24 2×10 Backtrack   追踪
25 2×11 Servant of two masters
26 2×12 The madness of mickey hamilton  疯汉
27 2×13 Stopover  铁狮身人面
28 2×14 Runner  内讧

29 3×01 A hiding to no thing  空中小姐
30 3×02 Dead reckoning  真假间谍
31 3×03 Mixed doubles  针锋相对
32 3×04 Need to know  需要明白
33 3×05 The purging of CI5  CI5厄运 
34 3×06 Fugitive  逃亡者
35 3×07 The acorn syndrome   人质
36 3×08 Slush fund  弗思计划
37 3×09 Weekend in the country  乡村周末
38 3×10 Take away
39 3×11 Involvement  卷入旋涡
40 3×12 The gun  手枪
41 3×13 Wild justice  私下了结
42 3×14 Blackout  丧失记忆

43 4×01 It`s only a beautiful picture  巧捉窃贼
44 4×02 Blood sports  血溅球场
45 4×03 Hijack  抢劫银车
46 4×04 You`ll be all right  处女街
47 4×05 Kickback  五十万英镑
48 4×06 Discovered in a graveyard 墓地幻影
49 4×07 Foxhole on the roof  屋顶掩体
50 4×08 Operation susie AQ级禁令
51 4×09 The ojuka situation  奥朱卡上校
52 4×10 The untouchables 不可触犯
53 4×11 Cry wolf  号叫的狼
54 4×12 A man called quinn   精神病凶犯
55 4×13 Lawson`s last stand  劳森行动
56 4×14 No stone  无坚不催
57 4×15 Spy probe   间谍谋杀

其中The female factor、Servant of two masters及Take away没有播出。


Series Production Order Transmission Order 集名号 英文名称 中文名称 Aired
1 1 1 1*01 Old dog with new tricks 将计就计 13-Jan-78
6 2 1*02 Private madness public danger ADX毒案 30-Dec-77
2 3 1*03 The female factor 6-Jan-78
4 4 1*04 Killer with a long arm 神秘枪手 20-Jan-78
5 5 1*05 Heroes 罪恶见证 27-Jan-78
3 6 1*06 Where the jungle ends 丛林追杀 3-Feb-78
9 7 1*07 Close quarters 短兵相接 10-Feb-78
8 8 1*08 Everest was also conquered 忏悔 17-Feb-78
11 9 1*09 When the heat cools off 疑案之迷 24-Feb-78
12 10 1*10 Stake out 监视 3-Mar-78
2 11 1*11 Long shot 职业刺客 10-Mar-78
10 12 1*12 Look after annie 特别保护 17-Mar-78
13 13 1*13 Klansmen 三K党徒 not aired in UK
2 15 14 2*01 Hunter hunted 猎手被猎 7-Oct-78
17 15 2*02 The rack 风波 14-Oct-78
16 16 2*03 First night 绑架 21-Oct-78
18 17 2*04 Man without a past 来历不明的人 28-Oct-78
19 18 2*05 In the public interest 地方警察 4-Nov-78
14 19 2*06 Rogue 内奸 11-Nov-78
20 20 2*07 Not a very civil servant 贿赂丑案 18-Nov-78
21 21 2*08 A stirring of dust 尘土飞扬 25-Nov-78
22 22 2*09 Blind run 伪装周旋 2-Dec-78
23 23 2*10 Fall girl 被欺骗的姑娘 9-Dec-78
3 33 24 3*01 The purging of CI5 CI5厄运 27-Oct-79
24 25 3*02 Backtrack 追踪 3-Nov-79
27 26 3*03 Stopover 铁狮身人面 10-Nov-79
30 27 3*04 Dead reckoning 真假间谍? 17-Nov-79
26 28 3*05 The madness of mickey hamilton 疯汉 24-Nov-79
29 29 3*06 A hiding to nothing 空中小姐 1-Dec-79
28 30 3*07 Runner 内讧 8-Dec-79
25 31 3*08 Servant of two masters 15-Dec-79
4 35 32 4*01 The acorn syndrome 人质 7-Sep-80
41 33 4*02 Wild justice 私下了结 14-Sep-80
34 34 4*03 Fugitive 逃亡者 21-Sep-80
39 35 4*04 Involvement 卷入旋涡 29-Sep-80
32 36 4*05 Need to know 需要明白 5-Oct-80
38 37 4*06 Take away 贩毒者 12-Oct-80
42 38 4*07 Blackout 丧失记忆 19-Oct-80
44 39 4*08 Blood sports 血溅球场 26-Oct-80
36 40 4*09 Slush fund 弗思计划 2-Nov-80
40 41 4*10 The gun 手枪 9-Nov-80
45 42 4*11 Hijack 抢劫银车 30-Nov-80
31 43 4*12 Mixed doubles 针锋相对 7-Dec-80
37 44 4*13 Weekend in the country 乡村周末 14-Dec-80
47 45 4*14 Kickback 五十万英磅 20-Dec-80
43 46 4*15 It`s only a beautiful picture… 巧捉窃贼 27-Dec-80
5 49 47 5*01 Foxhole on the roof 屋顶掩体 7-Nov-82
50 48 5*02 Operation susie AQ级禁令 14-Nov-82
46 49 5*03 You`ll be all right 处女街 21-Nov-82
55 50 5*04 Lawson`s last stand 劳森行动  28-Nov-82
48 51 5*05 Discovered in a graveyard 墓地幻影 28-Nov-82
57 52 5*06 Spy probe 间谍谋杀 12-Dec-82
53 53 5*07 Cry wolf 嚎叫的狼 9-Jan-83
52 54 5*08 The untouchables 不可触犯 16-Jan-83
51 55 5*09 The ojuka situation 奥朱卡上校 23-Jan-83
54 56 5*10 A man called quinn 精神病凶犯 30-Jan-83
56 57 5*11 No stone 无坚不摧 6-Feb-83
